A NewBirth, A New Beginning has taken place in our lives; I've accepted my assignment as God’s In time/End time Weapon of War, a Soldier of the Cross! It’s my time to rise up and set a standard for the Kingdom of God by promoting the uncompromised Word of God. God has given me a heart and grace for women,families and children for the purpose of equipping, educating, (Spirit, Soul and Body) advancing and empowering them with the knowledge of who they are in Christ; and the understanding of the Spiritual Battles they face, the Victory has already been WON/ONE/NOW! Eph.6:10-20, 1John 5:7. We’re transforming lives by teaching and training Gods people how to hear from the Lord by meditating on His Word day and night and studying to shew thyself approved unto God…,2 Tim 2:15, and yielding themselves completely to Him.
We've come to the realization that your Vision is your Life, and Warring Women Bible Conference and Power of One United Youth are two of the visions God has given to my husband and I. The intent of the conferences is to be a powerful, spirit filled, knowledge based, frontline ,kingdom living, from the Garden to the Cross experience. Unleashing an understanding of the Great Plan God has for the lives of Women,Families and Children and the important assignment to serve our generation and the next. Are we our brother's keeper? Gen 4:9, Yes We Are!
Thank you for joining my husband and I. We appreciate your partnership and ask for your prayers and continued support as we step out on the Battlefield in Faith! Warring Women…Victory IS WON/ONE/NOW! Womens World Bible Conference, Ephesians 6:10-20; 1John5-7;2Corinthians 10:4-5; Romans 8:1-2 Power Of ONE United Youth (ONE; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) Ephesians 4:3-7,13-16,6:1-3; Philippians 4:13
Together In Christ, WE LOVE YOU!